Women's Health, Lean Building


 Many women d
esire to look thin in today's image-obsessed society yet there are women who go against the status quo. If you're one of the skinny girls who want to look more feminine then there's no better time than now to start your quest to build womanly curves. This article will reveal to you how to build curves.

1. Write up a plan. This should be the first step in achieving your physique. Planning is important in that it determines how much weight you want to gain, how much time you'll need as well as eliminating the guesswork and procrastination that may occur from building your physique.

2. Eat frequently. It is important to consume between 4-6 small meals per day to provide nutrients throughout the day for your body to grow. If consuming 4-6 meals per day is too much to consume try a 3 meal, 3 snack approach. The types of food you should be
consuming are high carb, high protein foods. These include brown rice, wholegrain bread, rolled oats, full cream milk, cheese, eggs, chicken, lean red meat high calorie fruits and vegetables.

3. Choose compound exercises. Choose compound exercises as opposed to isolation exercises since compound exercises recruit more muscle groups thereby stimulating a greater release of muscle building hormones such as testosterone resulting in more muse mass being created. Compound exercises you should be focusing on include dead-lifts, squats, bench press, push-ups, pull-ups and chin-ups. These exercises should form the core of your exercise program.

4. Use proper form. Proper form is vital when training as you'll prevent many types of injuries from occurring. Not only will you prevent injuries you'll also increase your flexibility as a result of an increase in range of motion (ROM).

5. Use supplements wisely. If by any chance you're using any supplements such as protein powder or creatine monohydrate to gain weight make sure to follow the recommended dosage so as to prevent overdosing. Overdosing can be potentially harmful to your health.
6. Go to bed early. Many people believe that you build muscle in the gym, on the contrary you actually build muscle while you're out of the gym testing, hence the importance of recovery. By going to bed early you'll allow your body plenty of time to recuperate.
Once you've applied these 6 tips into practice I can guarantee you that not only will you achieve your desired physique much sooner, you'll also achieve it with less stress and ultimately will enjoy your journey to building your desired physique.
Discover how to build those sleek, sexy curves you've always dreamt for by visiting [http://www.skinnytomuscles.com] and sign up to grab your FREE report on "20 Things That Will Screw You In The Gym"

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5362496

5. Use supplements wisely. If by any chance you're using any supplements such as protein powder or creatine monohydrate to gain weight make sure to follow the recommended dosage so as to prevent overdosing. Overdosing can be potentially harmful to your health.

6. Go to bed early. Many people believe that you build muscle in the gym, on the contrary you actually build muscle while you're out of the gym testing, hence the importance of recovery. By going to bed early you'll allow your body plenty of time to recuperate.

Once you've applied these 6 tips into practice I can guarantee you that not only will you achieve your desired physique much sooner, you'll also achieve it with less stress and ultimately will enjoy your journey to building your desired physique.

Discover how to build those sleek, sexy curves you've always dreamt for by visiting [http://www.skinnytomuscles.com] and sign up to grab your FREE report on "20 Things That Will Screw You In The Gym"

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