Yoga Booty Challenge

Phase 1

The Priming Phase

The initial phase of each workout is called the Priming Phase which is designed to zap and wake up the glutes and to overcome the extremely common problem of “Sleepy Bum Syndrome”...

You may have heard of how so many women these days are suffering from Sleepy Bum Syndrome - A very common condition of the glute muscles becoming largely dormant, inactive and unable to be engaged properly…

This is predominantly caused from sitting for long periods of time which dramatically decreases blood flow, nutrients and oxygen to the glutes which causes the hip flexors to become stiff...and ultimately prevents the glute muscles from firing properly…

Visually speaking, ‘Sleepy Bum Syndrome’ manifests itself in what’s commonly described as the “Pancake Butt” look.

And unfortunately, typical warm-ups like 10 minutes on the treadmill, jumping jacks or jogging do next to nothing for Sleepy Bum Syndrome nor do they properly target or warm up all 3 individual muscles of the glutes or even the joints that are going to be working...So you can stop wasting time and energy on that stuff as these types of movements do not set us up for success.

During this crucial Phase we effectively PRIME all 3 major muscles of the butt including the Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Minimus, and the Gluteus Maximus using a specific sequence of movements to help trigger a strong mind-muscle connection while ensuring that all 3 glute muscles are fully warmed up and are prepared to fire optimally.

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