What is Prostate ? ............

What is Prostate ?

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system that is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum.

The most common problem regarding the prostate would be prostatitis. This is the swelling or inflammation of the prostate gland. The most common symptoms of prostatitis are flu, fever, painful ejaculation, discomfort in the prostate or lower back area. In addition to that, difficulty in urinating is also another sign of Prostatitis. This is often linked with the increase need to pass urine but difficulty to do so along with tinges of blood in the urine.

A healthy gland is about the size of a walnut. If the prostate enlarges, it squeezes the urethra and slows or stops urine from passing from the bladder to the penis.
In order to prevent prostate problems from occurring, it is important to maintain a proper diet and drink sufficient water. This helps keep a healthy prostate. In addition to that, eat red meat in moderation as studies show that excessive intake of red meat can lead to prostate cancer and other diseases. Also, once an average male hits his 45's it is advisable to go for regular prostate checkups as well as regular prostate specific antigen tests.

All prostate enlargement is not cancer. There can be many causes other than cancer. For example, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the abnormal growth of benign (noncancerous) cells. The prostate enlarges and squeezes the urethra, preventing the normal flow of urine. Over the age of 50, Some men may have symptoms severe enough to need treatment.

Screening for prostate cancer is recommended for men 50 and older. There is a simple blood test to test for signs of cancer, and there is also a digital rectal examination. The blood test is done first, and the digital rectal examination is only done if there is some indication that there might be a problem.

The risk factors that increase the likelihood of prostate cancer are there

1. Smoking,Gutka,Tabaku,  puts all people at a greater risk for developing all kinds of cancer.
2. Age: Men over the age of 50 are more likely to develop the disease than younger men.

4. Family History: If there is a history of prostate cancer in the family, the risk increases.

And if this disease is diagnosed in time when it is limited to the prostate gland, there is a great possibility to get rid of it as there are a number of treatments available with short-term side-effects. If unfortunately the the cancer spreads beyond the prostate gland, then a successful treatment is left with the least possibility. It becomes much difficult to remove it. But there is no need to get disappointed about as there are a lot more ways to cure it.

 When the cancer cells reach other parts of your body especially the bones, then bone pain occurs. This pain occurs in particular parts like in the vertebrae bones of the spine, ribs or pelvis. Pain in your spine sometimes compresses the spinal cord and causes leg weakness and urinary and fecal incontinence bladder control problems.

Through this information, it will become easier for you to diagnose whether the symptoms you are feeling in you are related to prostate cancer or not. So, that you can go for the treatment that you need.

Do THIS Simple 60-Second Trick For Breakfast, Save Your Prostate

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