Candida Crusher - Permanent Yeast Infection Solution By Dr Eric Bakker

 World Leading Candida Expert
Reveals How to Get Rid of YOUR
Yeast Infection Permanently Using
Proven Methods Based On
17500+ Successfully Treated Candida
Cases & 27 Years Of Experience

 Are you suffering from any of these SYMPTOMS?
Causing disruption in YOUR LIFE?
  • Constant persistent itching (private area or around other skin areas, that you just cannot stop/control?)
  • Vagina Thrush or Oral Thrush
  • Discharge (cottage cheese like, constant)
  • Smelly down there? (fish like smell)
  • Painful intercourse (could be burning pain during/after sex, fear of having sex because of the pain thus no sex)
  • Constant discomfort (from everything or due to pain)
  • Odor (including bad breath, body odor even if you take shower and look after your hygiene?)
  • Frequent urination
  • Bloating (feeling always bloated no matter what you eat?)
  • Gas (that’s driving you crazy, but you are not able to do anything about it?)
  • Skin rashes
  • Irritability/irritation in private part and skin
  • Nail fungus
  • Burning/Soreness sensation (around private part)
  • Fatigue (always feeling tired and no energy?)
  • Joint pain (other back pain problems as well)
  • Lethargy
  • Cravings
  • Abdominal pain
  • Athlete foot
  • Digestive problems
  • Constipation (from moderate to severe lasting 4-8 days)
  • Brain Fog/Memory loss (foggy thinking, forgetting stuff)
  • Difficulty to concentrate
  • Dizziness/drowsiness
  • Feeling bad/sick/uncomfortable/miserable all over (out of control feeling)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Always mucus in stool
  • Headaches
  • Swelling
  • Dry mouth
  • Weight gain and weight loss
If YOU are suffering from any of these symptom(s) then you have candida yeast infections.
My name is Eric Bakker and I am a naturopathic doctor, I have specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of yeast infections for over twenty years. I’ve seen every type of Candida infection that exists, and the list of symptoms you just read are some of the major signs and symptoms of candida yeast infection and they are also some of the constant symptoms I hear from every patient with candida yeast infection when they come to see me at my clinic. And these symptoms can lead to various issues in life, below you will find complaints I hear from candida patients I see on daily basis any of these ring a bell?

it is destroying my home, my family and my pets

Uncomfortable, disturbing, feeling dirty , uneasy….in severe days, feel like dying. But is only when you hv this very frust n disturbing I will just says dying is better but I won’t take my life. Just a saying. Doc im here to get rid of this problem.

It hurts soo bad. I want to cry.

No one understands or believe I’m sick

The overall ill feeling and when doctors can’t find something wrong with me and think it’s in my head is driving me totally crazy.

I can’t find anything that will make my symptoms go away. I’ve tried diet changes, supplements, biofeedback, acupuncture, and anything else I hear about.

Can not wear certain things, burning when urination, itchy, swelling, and the discharge including smell bf is tired of me.

Cannot sleep,bloated tummy,weight gain,itchy body,skin rash on face, always constipated and tired, always feeling sick and have no confidence in any thing or at anytime. having white coating on the tongue with black pigmennt on the sides. smelly disc

I can’t have sex and it makes me feel awful mentally and physically,

I cannot have a healthy sexual relationship with my boyfriend. I am always self conscious.

I constantly have a nasty smell under me. Sometimes when its hot I start to feel a mucky substance down there.

wear my hair over my ears so people can’t see my flakey, red, blotchy outer ears… only my son cuts my hair… always itchy… have edema in my legs that never goes down now… bloated stomach… can’t lose weight i am here to seek your help.

A severe fatigue, weak muscles, lack of coordination, dizziness, diahhear, GI distress, anorxia. lowe grade temperature elevations on a frequent basis and basically just feeling weak and tired all owver, help pls.

Aggrevated by, Interferes with and causes discomfort during sexual activity Digestive problems Chronic presence, nothing helped me,

Being so uncomfortable and the fact that there is no physical home test and no permanent cure for this infection
I have heard tens and thousands of these complains and how candida can totally RUIN ONES LIFE and brings HAVOC.
I have been asked by many people, how did it all start, why did you spend so much time writing such a comprehensive book on treatment of candida yeast infections? It all started with my own personal experience of developing a severe yeast infection in 1985, and taking approximately one and a half years to get my health back. I was in constant pain due to persistent itch, brain fog, bloating, gas, fatigue, and feeling unwell all the time. My GF left me, I lost my job and I was told by doctor to see a psychologist because I was losing myself.
I could remember days when I just couldn’t sit next to my girlfriend due to constant bloating, gas and itch around my skin. It was driving me nuts. Every time I would sit next to someone the gas/bloating would start and I had to just get somewhere quiet to let the gas go. There was no relief just constant pain. Symptoms vary from person to person but for most of us (men) itching in the private part/skin, bloating, gas, feeling unwell and tired all the time is a major sign of candida yeast infection. And it’s not just me or you who was/is going through all this read these complaints from my candida patients:
chronic stomach pain, not being able to eat anything at all without out feeling full after just a few bits and severe constant pain in upper abdomen.

constant headaches and distant very agitated all the time and angry

Constant itching in my ears, causing me to scratch my ear canals in my sleep

Constant tiredness and joint pain; intense stomach pain followed by days of sore throat; acidy feeling through whole digestive system from throat to urinary tract, etc..

Difficulties when urinating,after urinating I still feel like I want to urinate.

dizziness and fatigue all the time – restless in the middle of night, waking up 2-3 times a night weird sudden little pains in wrist area, legs feeling heavy – dry mouth w/white tongue residue, gum and right ear ache – right nostril always congested

Why Candida Is Dangerous If Left Untreated?

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